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Dear Tu Doan Minh,
You've got cash!
www.RewardingWays.com (support@rewardingways.com) just sent you money through AlertPay.
Payment Details
Date: July 11, 2012 7:51:17 AM
Amount Sent: $1.01 USD
Sender Name: www.RewardingWays.com
Sender Email:support@rewardingways.com
Reference Number: BCA3D-9A091-70847
Message: Payment From SuperPay.Me - Refer Your Friends & Earn 25% Of What They Earn At SuperPay.Me For Life!
View the details of this transaction by logging into your AlertPay account.
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The AlertPay Team
tổng quan : +Cùng admin với www.RewardingWays.com ,site từ 2011 đến h vẫn pay,đủ khẳng định uy tín
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1/Đăng kí :
+bước 1 :Đầu tiên các bạn vào trang chủ của nó,đăng kí dưới link sau: http://www.superpay.me/welcome?refid=4881
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nếu có xác nhận code qua mail thì log in vào mail rồi điền code vào web
giao diện quản lý :
Kiếm $(nhiều là ở đây,tùy thuộc vào sự kiên trì và nhạy bén) :
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SSI Daily Global Survey,Global Survey Router,SurveyHead Daily
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up tiếp proof 12/7,site quá ngon
Dear Tu Doan Minh
You've got cash!
www.RewardingWays.com (support@rewardingways.com) just sent you money through AlertPay.
Payment Details
[*]Date: July 12, 2012 3:32:49 AM
[*]Amount Sent: $1.89 USD
[*]Sender Name: www.RewardingWays.com
[*]Sender Email: support@rewardingways.com
[*]Reference Number: 8DB6D-5511C-F9FD6
[*]Message: Payment From SuperPay.Me - Refer Your Friends & Earn 25% Of What They Earn At SuperPay.Me For Life!
View the details of this transaction by logging into your AlertPay account.Thanks for choosing AlertPay,
The AlertPay Team
proof chiến offer wall,rất nhiều off,cực ngon,3$ chỉ nháy mắt
This is an automated email, please do not reply
Dear Tu Doan Minh,
You've got cash!
www.RewardingWays.com (support@rewardingways.com) just sent you money through AlertPay.
Payment Details
[*]Date: July 12, 2012 12:16:43 PM
[*]Amount Sent: $3.19 USD
[*]Sender Name: www.RewardingWays.com
[*]Sender Email: support@rewardingways.com
[*]Reference Number: 819A8-C93DF-ED96A
[*]Message: Payment From SuperPay.Me - Refer Your Friends & Earn 25% Of What They Earn At SuperPay.Me For Life!
View the details of this transaction by logging into your AlertPay account.
Thanks for choosing AlertPay,
The AlertPay Team
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